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About the Founders:

Joseph Draper

Hello! My name is Joseph; better known as Joe.

As many people may be well aware of, I am a complete car freak. My life revolves around cars and how they work. I first became crazy with cars when I moved from the U.K. to Canada. We were given a Dodge Grand Caravan rental, and I was hooked. I would go outside and sit in it and look at the engine and see how everything worked.

Still, to this day I have that same passionate love for cars, and it's probably stronger than ever.

I'm currently 17 and own my first car, a BMW E90 3-Series. 

I first had the idea of this car show when I met my event partner Andrew through car events and his social media car account, @ns.unique.wheels on Instagram. I thought it would be fun to share our love for cars with other people, have a chance to see some of the cars in Nova Scotia, and bring the community together in a fun event, and support a good cause. 

I am super excited for this year's show, and I hope to see you there!



Andrew Russell McGrath

My name is Andrew and I’ve been interested in car pretty much my whole life.  I’m fairly certain you won’t find someone who’s my age who’s more into cars than I am…at least at my school anyway.  I am currently attending school at Auburn Drive High School and like I said earlier there aren’t a lot of car enthusiasts at my school so most people that know me from school only don’t know me as a car person but when people ever start conversations about cars I’ll be the first one to jump in and join the conversation.  That’s kind of how I got involved with the Halifax Charity Car Show.  I have a car spotting Instagram called ns.unique.wheels and that’s how I came across Joe who asked an open question in a group chat full of car spotters.  I was the only one who wanted to help him organize a show, which I had been planning on doing myself this year or next anyway but when the opportunity came up I was glad to accept.  In April 2017 things really started to take of when we finally finalised a location which is The Chickenburger.  I can’t wait until the day of the show and I can’t wait to see everyone there.

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